26 Things I’m Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope each and everyone of you are having a great Thanksgiving and eating plenty of turkey and mashed potatoes! Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday ever! Since today is Thanksgiving I decided that I wanted to do a post over it! I have so many things in my life that I’m thankful for and couldn’t thank God enough for what he has blessed me with.

  1. Family (Mom, Mamaw, Sissy, Tasha, Bubby, Tonnie, Hannah, and Paul)– I’m so blessed to have such a loving and supportive family! I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today, if it wasn’t for them. I definitely think I have the best family there is. Yes, we may argue and disagree sometimes, but at the end of the day we’re always there to help each other.
  2. Avram– I’m so thankful for him! He’s so loving and supportive! I know I don’t say it enough, but I’m so appreciative of him. He’s seriously the best, ever! He’s always there for me, even if I don’t want him to be!
  3. Mercedes– Legit my ride or die! We’ve seriously been through so much and I couldn’t thank her enough for all that she’s done for me. We’re probably the same person; we think the same. She’s the best friend anyone could ever have! Her family is basically like adopted family.
  4. Lois-Seriously the sweetest person ever! She’s one of my best friends, and she always there for me! I was so honored to be apart of her and Scott’s wedding, and I know that she’ll definitely be in mine! We always had heart-to-hearts when I lived at home and I’ll never ever forget them! Her mom and sister’s so funny, too!
  5. My dogs (Oliver, Jaxxon, Gracie, Abby, and Bailey)– I seriously don’t know how people live without animals, my fur babies are my life. They’re the cutest, sweetest, and loving dogs ever. It breaks my heart every time I have to leave them.
  6. Avram’s family– I love them and they’ve became like my own. They’ve been so accepting of me and treat me like one of their own.
  7. Macy- I just met her this year, but she’s one of my best friends. She’s been so helpful with things I didn’t get and she’s been there to listen to me rant about stupid things and my fear of public speaking.
  8. Morehead State University- I know it’s super weird to be thankful for your school, but I honestly am! I’ve met some of the best people here. I was apprehensive about moving here, because even when I was younger I was like I’m never going there.. It’s too close to home, then I went to a community college for a year and was like well, I live at home. Anyways, I love it here! The campus is so beautiful and home-y; it’s really helping me discover myself. I’m so grateful that I made the decision to come here.
  9. Dairy Queen- Also, another weird one, but I’m thankful that DQ took a chance on me three, almost four, years ago. I hated it at the time, but I truly do miss it sometimes. Everyone there became more like family, I mean I saw them more than I saw my own family because I was always working. I’m also thankful for my job at Dairy Queen now. The people there are really cool.
  10. Goody’s– I met some really cool people here, even though I quit the I still keep in touch with the people that I worked with there. I’m going to start working there for the season, and I’m so excited.
  11. Rasheeda- So, this is my car’s name. HAHA, but I’m thankful that I have a car that can get me back and forth from the places I want and need to go.
  12. Apple– I seriously couldn’t live without my iPhone and MacBook. No, really ask anyone.
  13. Fuzzy Duck– This place is honestly my favorite place in Morehead, I couldn’t even tell you why. It makes me cozy and hipster. HAHA
  14. WordPress– I love having somewhere to just write all my feelings down and have the world hear my thoughts and concerns.
  15. My house (in Morehead)– I’ve lived here for almost five months now and it’s awesome. I’m in charge of me. There’s no one there to tell me when to come home, but that also means that I have to be responsible for me.
  16. My house (in Winchester)– I’m honestly in love with Winchester, I’m so happy that my mom moved there. It’s so pretty and so close to Lexington. I just love how it’s a small town, but 15 minutes down the road is a bigger city. My moms really fixing it up and it’s becoming beautiful.
  17.  Excederin Migraine– Sometimes it’s the small things in life and this is one of them. I suffer from headaches/migraines and I probably wouldn’t be able to function without Excederin.
  18. Magoffin– I honestly hated it when I lived here, but now that I come back theres something different about it. I see people that I was using to seeing at least three times a week, and now I see them every three or four months. I’m so thankful that I grew up in a small town where everyone knew each other, but I’m also thankful that I’m growing out of that and stepping out of my comfort zone.
  19. Social Media– It helps me keep up with family that live far away and I love that! I can talk to my family in Tennessee or Florida and I love having that option.
  20. Photos– I seriously love taking photos more than anyone. I love documenting time spent with others and the random things I do.
  21. AT&T– Thanks for those extra three gigs! Now hopefully I won’t go over and have to pay..
  22. North Face jackets– Walking to class in the freezing cold is a little more bearable with these jackets. Like seriously invest in one if you haven’t already! They honestly do keep you warm.
  23. What’s in my purse videos– They definitely keep me sane! I don’t know just something about them intrigues me and I can’t stop watching them.
  24. Blankets– Blankets on blankets on blankets. That’s really how I sleep no matter what degree it is in the house. I’m obsessed with blankets.
  25. Netflix-Thanks for letting me binge watch shows and not judging me.. So what if I finish a season of a show in two days?
  26. Everything– I’m seriously just so thankful for everything in my life. Regardless if it’s small or large, I know that each and every one and thing in my life is here for a reason.

I’ve been watching Lost recently and it made me realize something. Everything in your life no matter how small happens for a reason. You pass a stranger on the street.. This happens for a reason. I hope each and everyone of you has a great holiday! Eat plenty of turkey and shop till you drop tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! 🙂

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