My 5 Favorite Television Shows

Hey guys! Happy Tuesday! I’ve not been doing anything interesting these last few days, so I don’t really have anything interesting to write about! If you guys have any suggestions please lettme know! I love feedback! So, far I’ve just been writing about random things, so any suggestions would be great! Also I want to say thank you to everyone that has followed me so far! Anyways I’m just going to get right into it with my favorite television shows. Some of them are old and some are still airing.

FRIENDS- Oh my God! I mean honestly could I be a college girl without loving Friends? Come on, now! I have loved Friends since I can remember though. It’s my mom’s favorite show and she got me hooked on it! I can honestly say I’ve watched every episode numerous times, but I still find it just as funny as the first time! Friends is about these six young adults who live in New York City and it just shows their friendship and relationships and how they handle life in general, with a little humor. I seriously could watch it everyday for the rest of my life. Thanks, Netflix!

SCANDAL– Scandal is life. Like seriously! Fitz and Liv forever! I love Scandal and it never fails to disappoint me! It has me hooked! I love it! I love it! Scandal is about the Olivia (the fixer) and the president and they fall in love, but also theres murder, prostitutes, fake marriages, international scandals, and so much more. Like I can’t even describe it! It’s definitely my favorite show!

GOSSIP GIRL– I actually just watched Gossip Girl this year, but I finished it in like two months…. I know I was late to the game, but I loved it! I’m seriously such a girl when it comes to television or movies. The show takes place in NYC (I’m seeing a trend here..) with this group of rich af teenagers in their private school, and it’s just full of drama and everything else that you would need in a television show. Gossip Girl is this online website that starts rumors and spreads, well, gossip. It’s seriously so great and I want to be Serena! XOXO

NASHVILLE- I seriously love ABC shows! Nashville is so great! It’s full of heartache and heartbreak and everything else that makes up a great country song. I love county music too and it’s full of it! It just basically shows the love between the main characters and their trials in life. It’s really amazing! Also, the guys on this show are just about enough to make anyone want to watch it.

LOST– So, uh yeah, I’m still currently watching it right now so no spoilers please! I know also late to the game this one, but hey atleast I discovered it. But it’s so addictive, like you can’t just watch one episode! It’s just so interesting, you can’t miss anything! Everything is just a puzzle and OMG! I just can’t! I like about a season and a half before I finish and I can’t wait to see what happens! It full of twists and turns and love and terror! I don’t know how to explain it except for great!

So, these are just my top five favorites. I do have so many more shows that I watch though! I’m a television junking and I live for OTPs! I probably have so many scenarios in my head! Make sure to comment your favorite television shows down below! Thanks for reading!










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