Fall Tag!

Fall is my favorite season of the year! I adore everything about it! The trees, the leaves, the scents, and the holidays that come with fall! I just love it all! Thanksgiving is seriously my favorite holiday. I’ve always loved Thanksgiving because I just like the fact that everyone gets together and eats and talks about why we’re all thankful. I love watching the Macy’s Day Parade while I get ready for the day’s festivities. I absolutely love staying up all night and going Black Friday shopping. This might be the reason why I love Thanksgiving, HAHA. Since November is here I decided to that I want to do a fall favorites tag which was made by Jaclyn Hill. I challenge anyone that reads this to do the same! 🙂 Happy Fall, y’all.

Favorite Candle- Apple Pumpkin by Yankee Candle! I seriously burn this every morning while getting ready, it just smells like fall goodness. It’s kind of like a cinnamon-y apple.

Favorite Lip Color- I actually have two. The first has to be NYX’s soft matte lip cream in the color Copenhagen. It’s a dark dark purple, so beautiful! My second is MAC’s Ruby Woo, it might not be a fall color to some but it’s so pretty and such a bold statement!

Favorite Drink- My favorite fall drink would have to be either apple cider or hot chocolate. I absolutely love apple cider! It’s like fall in a cup but I usually drink it cold.

Favorite Blush- I’ve been using a Sephora blush, I’m not exactly sure what the name of it is but it’s a peach-ish wet blush. It’s so beautiful!

Favorite Clothing Item- My favorite clothing item would have to be my olive color jacket. It’s from Maurices and it reminds of like an Army jacket, I absolutely adore it! It makes me feel like Beyonce’ when I wear it. HAHA

Favorite Fall Movie- I honestly don’t have one! :\

Favorite Fall Show- I Autumn in Boston Public Gardendon’t know if Scandal is counted as a ‘fall show’ but I love Scandal. Scandal is life! I love me some FITZ!

Favorite Thanksgiving Food- As I stated before Thanksgiving is my favorite and favorite food would have to be the turkey! I love it and it’s probably the most fall thing to me, HAHAHA

Favorite Halloween Costume- The best costume I think I’ve worn was my Indian costume I wore my Senior year of high school. I went all out for it and wore red lipstick on my face, but it was great.

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